Bitcoin Trading Cards



To create the full brand identity for a trading card game that is designed to help open-minded, curious people begin diving into the complex world of Bitcoin. The brand takes a fun and nostaglic approach to exploring monetary policy, history, blockchain technology and the social implications of fiat currency debasement.


I designed a modular brand identity that builds out the world of Bitcoin Trading Cards. The graphic elements are inspired by the concept of a hidden library of ancient knowledge— and are aesthetically inspired from various eras and cultures like Celtic, Gothic, African, Arabic and more. The graphics are abstract representations of concepts in the creative universe and reflect heritage and elegance; whether that’s inside ancient ruins or a futuristic spaceship.



This project began with the usual discovery workshop to understand the vision, strategy and direction of the brand and business.

After learning about the business’s strategy and trajectory I saw that the visual identity needed to be something that showed there’s a larger creative universe behind the brand. This is because of the nature of the product and industry (gaming); so it needed to feel immersive.

I then created the 25 page deck where I explored and iterated on some core brand concepts, before arriving at two possible visual directions to present.



Once the stakeholders and I agreed on a visual direction, I then began exploring the logo through a series of sketches.

Previously the logo was too detailed. and nuanced to be instantly recognisable and memorable. However the team wanted the new logo to retain the artistic and antiquated essence of the old one; while being more simple and sleek to reach broader commercial audiences.

After the logo was complete I then moved onto finding fonts and designing the graphic elements and illustration. I typically like to wait until the logo is complete to do this as the logo can visually inform subsequent graphics.


Brand Style Guide


Brand Identity


Marketing Collateral