Advancing Bitcoin

Brand Identity

Project Type

4 Weeks

Visual Identity, Conference Collateral



Advancing Bitcoin is an annual Bitcoin conference where developers, digital security professionals and entrepreneurs gather to discuss and share advancements to the protocol; as well as how best to integrate Bitcoin into their businesses. The brand needed a quick visual overhaul to communicate more leadership, creativity and movement so that it felt more authoritative and inspirational.

The Vision

To build the ‘Wired Magazine’ of Bitcoin. The company wants to be known for it’s cutting-edge expertise on everything technical, while still tapping into creative ways to explore and document the Bitcoin industry.




The discovery workshop revealed that the stakeholders wanted the brand identity to visually communicate a sense of unity, community and movement; while still feeling like a corporate technology-focused entity.

I then created the project concept deck to explore and iterate on different core creative concepts, before arriving at two possible visual directions to present to the stakeholders.

Something that the project required was a complete redesign of the logo that communicated the project’s core creative concept.

Graphic System

I created four graphic styles for various communication contexts. For example, the gridded layout can be used when discussing Bitcoin hardware, while the vertically linear design is used the represent Bitcoin code.

“I’m so happy with the new logo, it feels a lot more original and has the character to it that we were looking to capture.”

Leon Johnson, Founder and Director (Advancing Bitcoin)

The visual branding was then applied to the events marketing assets and merchandise.

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